Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dark Skies (Danny Schmidt)

"when the stars did guide us" by Ezra Berger, original oil on canvas*

Yesterday (August 26) was eleven months since Eric's death.  Crazy.  September will find me one big fat f*cking mess; it will almost be a relief to hit the one-year mark, the countdown to which has been excruciatingly painful, yet educational (if that makes a bit of sense).

Details soon of a potluck Breakfast Club get-together on a Sunday morning in early- to mid-October, in Ashley W. Hale Park, Pembroke Pines (our former neighborhood).  We are having a tree planted (and a plaque made) in E's memory, and would love to gather whatever friends and family are able to attend... 🌳

*As soon as I saw Ezra's painting posted online, I could envision it in my house.  I am a Leo (in my mind the one Dar Williams met in Mercy of the Fallen - ha!)  Crazy synchronicity... or meant-to-be?:

first verse: 
"I had asked you to steer me
To one cloud scattered night
I got lost and in my travels
I met Leo the Lion

last verse:
"There's the weak and the strong
And the many stars that guide us
We have some of them inside us"

Yes, I bought this stunning work of art... 🌃🦁

SONGDark Skies by Danny Schmidt

BOOKJoy Rides through the Tunnel of Grief: A Memoir by Jessica Hendry Nelson (a birthday present from my friend Judi... 💖)

POEM:  changed by Ullie Kaye

yes I have changed. you may not recognize me anymore. the new me does not pretend to be anything other than who I really am. you may not recognize the kind of strength that courses through my veins. it is rich with suffering. and believing. and overcoming. I no longer crave the things that I thought made me beautiful. but rather, i am delicious now in spirit. in choosing tenderness. and deliberate breaths. and a longing to be to others what I always wished them to be to me. I no longer have eyes that search for approval. but my vision is on whatever brings grace and healing and growth. I am full of love. and empty of being consumed by things that really do not matter. don't get me wrong. I am still filled with a thousand, broken pieces - I've just rearranged them all.

"We are travelers on a cosmic journey; stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to Love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity." ~ Paulo Coelho


  1. Wow…that painting truly is stunning and I can totally see it in the Moss Hacienda. Not to mention the ties to Dar’s song…goosebumps! Extra hugs and love to you on this 11 month marker and I am proud of you for treating yourself to something so meaningful!

    1. Mari... goosebumps indeed, right?!? It's hanging in our bedroom (wall space is at such a premium in our house, as you well know), as it perfectly matches the colors of the bedspread... :-)

      Love your new Lil' Sis moniker. Perfect!
