Sunday, October 15, 2023

No Hard Feelings (The Avett Brothers)

Morning.  I am still unable to add Good beforehand, nor an exclamation point afterward.  I said in a previous post that mornings are my enemy, because they are irrefutable proof that Eric is not coming back.  But that is for another time... πŸ’”

We are headed to Nancy's for brunch in an hour or so.  It's been an amazing weekend of family and friends and, despite the tragic circumstances (or maybe because of them), we've had so many beautiful re-connections... and I hope we've all vowed to use this as a jumping-off place to reach out more often.  A wedding and a funeral within a month of each other.  The Circle of Life... ⌾

I arrived at the venue yesterday, "shaking people off like a bad pitch", letting them know that I just could not handle hugs nor any extension of kindness, because I would just fall apart.  But that lasted about 15 minutes when I began to melt and accept, and then I went back to those I'd refused and opened my arms in welcome.  And some of them made me cry, but all of them comforted me too.  

I know I keep using this word, and it does mean what I think it means (a nod to The Princess Bride), but we were Gobsmacked by the number of people in attendance:  Eric's Ace Crew (skateboarding), neighborhood friends, gamer peeps, lifeguarding proteges from his C.B. Smith days, his *new* boss came from North Carolina, Chico's soccer folks, my folk club/book club/gardening gangs, our nearest and dearest:  friends as well as family mentioned above.

I loved that we were able to arrange a Zoom link, so that many out-of-towners were able to tune in.  My understanding is that Rebecca (the River of Grass person recording) will "clean up" the video, send to us in completed form, at which point we can upload it to a YouTube channel (either Duyen's or Eric's).  It is recorded for posterity... in perpetuity... with peace.  I would like to watch it at some point but, in the meantime, I am grateful to have not only made it through, but presented our love for E with grace and style.  We honored our boy.  WWED?  

We are so unbelievably grateful for it all; I am truly counting my blessings for a life well-lived, his as well as ours.

I need to figure out how I can share the Celebration of Life program here but, in the meantime, here are the words/tribute/eulogy I spoke:

I'm Susan Moss, Eric's mom.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love to swear... selective swearing, though (I definitely don't do it around my sweet Colin)... but sometimes only a well-placed, well-timed expletive will do.  So let's just get it out of the way.  Parents are not supposed to outlive their children.  It is f*cking unimaginable... ridiculous... astounding that we are all here today for that reason.  Our dear Eric is gone.

This entire service (from the music to the readings to the remembrances to the decor) is all about Eric.   Those who knew and loved him, and who he knew and loved in return, are in this room.  We are beyond grateful you took time out of what we all know to be Busy Lives to be in attendance today.  You have crossed county lines... state lines... time zones.  He would be so pleased.  E is the hub and we are the spokes:  his/our immediate and extended family, his chosen companion for the last two years and her family, his friends (many of those from childhood, with whom he continued a connection), his work colleagues, past as well as present.

Anyone who knows me also realizes I am all about Synchronicity.  Chico and I drove up to Atlanta in early-September to attend my brother's wedding but, in retrospect, and as fabulous as their wedding was... I now believe that was The Universe's way of orchestrating an opportunity for us to see Eric again (since he had just moved up to Atlanta in mid-March).  We hung out for three hours, conversing and laughing, took a lovely selfie, and got back in the car to Aiken South Carolina to visit with Chico's sister and her family.

The last few years have found me adopting a philosophy of Every Day Is Day One... tabula rasa... clean slate... no grudges... Both/And.  I can assure you that it's incredibly liberating.  We feel so lucky there were no regrets with E, no woulda/coulda/shoulda.

So far, he's given us signs of rainbows... and an owl appeared to me that I am sure was a visitation.  And, even though I've declared a moratorium on tattoos ("seven is the number", sings Dave Carter), if I hear Eric's voice whispering in my ear that it might be time for more ink, one of you will be getting a call to accompany me.

In the video you will soon see, I was reminded that Eric danced like a male stripper... and you'll have to ask Sarah or Rob to tell you the Hello Kitty Backpack story... and I used to call him Max from Where the Wild Things Are... and when I wished him Happy Birthday on Facebook a few years ago, telling him:  "E, you gave me all my gray hair, but you gave me all my laugh lines too!"... and he replied:  I'll take 33% blame for the gray hair, but 100% credit for the laugh lines"... 😊

And if my Uncle Andy (soon to be 92 years old) was here, he would yodel... because that's a longstanding family tradition for all important milestones, whether birthdays, weddings, or funerals!

I am a poetry lover, and they have been finding *me* the last few weeks, just yesterday this short one by Mary Oliver:

Everything that was broken has

forgotten its brokenness. I live

now in a sky-house, through every

window the sun. Also your presence.

Our touching, our stories. Earthly

and holy both. How can this be, but

it is. Every day has something in

it whose name is forever.

I loved my hilarious, smart, kind, articulate, generous-of-spirit (and let's not forget handsome!) son fiercely.  Justin Cronin says: “As long as we remember a person, they're not really gone."  Please remember Eric.  Remember him.

No Hard Feelings by The Avett Brothers

A gentler world begins
in the way you touch your heart.
Be soft with the light inside you.
Caress your body with this breath.
God is nothing else
but the place where the sun comes up
in your chest.
You are the glimmering destination.
You are the golden honey daubed
on the bread of the ordinary.
Whatever is perfect,
whatever is heavenly,
begins here.

QUOTE:  "Grief and its surrender. Joy and its surrender. Any act and its surrender." ~ Maya Stein


  1. I'm so glad someone was able to record it. I remembered that you didn't always want to watch videos of things, preferring to remember them as they were, but can imagine how out-of-body much of yesterday was for you. I did record (on my camera) yours, Chico's and several others', as well as Nick's songs, just in case. (You know I did.) But it's so much better to have the whole of it captured. Much much love to you, Chico, Sarah and Rob. So very glad so many of Eric's friends and loved ones were able to be there with you, and give you hugs. One day...
    - j

    1. Judi, it makes me so happy you were able to watch. We had a full house of love and support. I am grateful. So much love back at you... <3

  2. What struck me from yesterday’s honoring of Eric is how much he embodied Love, and how that’s so very much a reflection of you and your family. Love Always. πŸ’œ✨πŸ’œ✨πŸ’œ✨
    Mary L

    1. Mary, I am so glad that was your takeaway. Mine too. I mean, we're a loving disagreeing complicated family, but we have always loved each other, and that will continue... <3

  3. Susan, what a wonderful memorial you had for Eric! I was able to attend on Zoom. You and your family showed so much grace and love. Love, Susan McAlpin

    1. Susan, I am so happy you were able to watch. Thank you. Yesterday was of course hard, and now the healing (a never-ending process) begins... <3

  4. Susan, yesterday’s service for your son Eric was beautiful; there was so much love that came through, even on Zoom. We miss you and think of you often. Big hugs. Claire & Kathy.

    1. Claire and Kathy, thank you so much for not only watching E's celebration of Life but for taking the time to comment here. Our E was a wonderful young man, and I love knowing that translated across cyberspace. I will receive those big hugs now, and hope our paths cross again soon so that I may redeem in person. Much love to you both... <3

  5. Susan, I was grateful to attend via Zoom, being so far away has been difficult, wanting to hold you, even though it wouldn't fix anything. The service was amazing and perfect, except that it shouldn't exist, all right and all wrong at the same time. Love, Eileen

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I have been feeling your love from across the miles and, honestly, nothing will *fix* this. But what has helped *alleviate* our pain is the ongoing love and support from friends and family. I do not take for granted how incredibly lucky and blessed we are, and I am beyond grateful... <3

  6. It was beautiful and touched my heart. You, Chico, Sarah and Robbie lifted my heart. I know Eric was with us and gave us all the strength to celebrate his life.πŸ’œπŸŒˆPat

    1. Pat, thanks for your lovely words. He was indeed with us, and will continue to be, inspiring us to be the best we can be, and appeared to us along the path to remind us of his shining light. *You* filled my heart by your presence throughout this difficult weekend. Thanks and so much love, my sister-in-law... my friend... <3

  7. The way you continue to include us in your unimaginable journey is truly a gift. Your words speak volumes and the strength of the Moss family is inspiring. I am going to cobble together my own thoughts on this past weekend sometime today. Using your AFGO I learned more than ever to love fiercely, tell those close to you how much you love them, and smooth out conflicts so there is no “coulda/shoulda/woulda”. ❤️πŸ’œ❤️ All the love…

  8. Thanks, Mari. Balancing strength and serenity is a challenge unto itself. Here on this blog, I come across as Mother Teresa, but I can assure you there may be a blog post with the F-word repeated over and over and over (hmmmm). I love your life lessons from the weekend, and look forward to reading about them in your own inimitable way. All the love back at you... <3
