Saturday, September 30, 2023

Rhythm of the Blues (Mary Chapin Carpenter)

I. Am. Still. Here.  Eric. Is. Still. Gone.  People say Good Morning!, which used to be comforting, but it may be a while before I can verbalize those two words myself.  I was never a morning person, but now it is my enemy; my new wake-up time seems to be 6-6:30 a.m., at which point, after having escaped this tragedy via blessed sleep, I am thrown back into a reality where my son is truly and irrevocably dead.  A living f*cking nightmare.  The horror version of Groundhog Day.  There aren't enough coping mechanisms in the world.  Despite how together I may come across in my Facebook posts (to paraphrase Jimmy Buffett:  "if I didn't [write], I would just go insane"), I am a mess... which, given the circumstances, is to be expected... 🤯

I know that everyone around me is walking on proverbial eggshells, helpless as to how I'm feeling and what I need... when I don't even know myself until something either resonates or jars.  Either one invokes tears... 😭

Last night was the Mary Chapin Carpenter/Shawn Colvin concert (we've had these tickets for months), and we came so close to not going... but we did.  I guess I expected to walk into a vacuum, enjoy the show, and then leave... but, by virtue of being involved with the local folk and acoustic community, of course I encountered many people I knew, and I was like a deer in the headlights.  The music took me out of my head for a while, but I thought of E the whole time.  I cried, but I laughed as well.  

Today found our family + Eric's girlfriend on a two-hour Zoom, mostly to fine-tune details of his Celebration of Life, for which we finally set a date.  So many items to attend to, and they will get done, but Life is like a game of Candyland right now, two steps ahead and then one backward into Molasses Swamp.

So, I just brewed up a huge mug of Tension Tamer Tea (yes, that's a thing), my controlled substance of choice, and I'm about to settle in with a few years worth of texts/e-mails, back and forth between my son and his aunt (my husband's sister), which I had no idea was even happening.  Oh, the sweetness... 💞

:  Rhythm of the Blues by Mary Chapin Carpenter

POEM:  Like a Small Animal by James Crews

I don’t know how the heart goes
cold as an unpicked apple clinging
to the branch, encased in layers
of ice. Yet even the slightest gesture
can warm it, as if some hand were
reaching out to hold the hard skin,
melt off the months of bitterness.
Maybe a friend hugs you longer
than she needs to, just a few more
seconds of pressing you closer until
you want to live inside that gesture,
inhaling her perfume for the rest
of your life. Or a lover makes you
a turkey sandwich one day for lunch 
with buttercrunch lettuce, pickles
and extra mayo, and eating it at work
later, relishing every bite, you feel
that stirring in your chest, like a small
animal coming out of a long sleep, 
blinking its tender eyes awake.

QUOTE:  "Philosopher Alan Watts used to talk about how the whole world is wiggling all the time. Clouds, trees, sky, water, human beings: Everything's constantly shimmying and jiggling and waggling.  One of our problems, Watts said, is that we're "always trying to straighten things out." We feel nagging urges to deny or cover up or eliminate the wiggling. "Be orderly," we command reality. "Be neat and composed and predictable."  But reality never obeys. It's forever doing what it does best: flickering and fluctuating and flowing." ~ from Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks and love, friend (guessing Lisa?... :-)

    2. I just shared Leo Lionni with my students last month & Alan Watts comes to me from so many directions. I'm so glad that you have words when you have no words (I mean that in the best way). So much love.

    3. I am so sorry that I still don't know who this is. I love that, when you say "my students", I am lucky to have so many teacher friends... :-) You probably know I taught preschool for years, and Leo Leonni is a fave; Swimmy! Receiving your love, and boomeranging it back to you... <3

  2. Sending all the love and light.

    1. I am grateful (not sure who this is either - sorry!)

  3. ❤️🙏🏼 [Rox]

  4. Replies
    1. Ah, Nance. I am so grateful you are helping me through this journey. Our visit earlier today was beyond cathartic. Food + Friendship + a few Funnies along the way (which I instigated) = All the Feels... <3

  5. Let it go! Don't stop! You are a writer. Also.❤️❤️❤️Annie

    1. Dear Annie, *I* am usually the enabler in a relationship (ha!). Believe me, I will *never* quit writing; it's lovely that people are reading but, even if not, I'd still be sending my sentiments out into The Universe. Words (reading as well as writing them) have long soothed my soul... <3

  6. Sooooo many hugs coming to you. Even if it’s not in person, I hope you can feel them. 💜✨💜✨💜✨

    1. Mary, I definitely look forward to collecting those in-person hugs the next time our paths cross. Thanks and love... <3

  7. So difficult to read, yet so beautifully written…no shocker there. All the love in the world as you navigate through this “no parent should ever have to go through this” time. ❤️💔❤️

    1. Mari, you nailed it. The overarching emotion is "This. Just. Doesn't. Make. Sense." Thanks for your kind words too. For all the many not-so-great attributes we inherited from Dad, our *best* legacy was (and is) our "way with words". Love you, little sis... <3

  8. Sweet Susan,
    I'm hanging on your every word & praying for your strength. Glad I was able to hug & cling to you & let you go the other night. I think any momentary spark of your natural bright light shining is good considering.
    I can't recall the song MCC & SC sang but thought of you. It was about admiring & respecting someone special in our lives.
    My selfish sadness is I came into your life more recently & didn't get to know your wonderful Eric. I'm appreciative of all the pics & reading other's memories of him. If your friends' love is helpful, there is certainly an abundance. Billy & I are here for you.
    hugs, love & more love to you, Chico, your family, Duyen & all of Eric's loved ones.
    Yours in 'compulsive communication' oxox Lisa Lipmn xoxo

    1. Dear Lisa (a.k.a. CC friend - ha!), I was so filled up by your and Bill's hugs the other night, as I'd not allowed anyone besides immediate family physically close yet. I love that you are getting to know Eric by the outpouring of support via Facebook as well as here. He was an unbelievably amazing human being, who had found his life path only in the last few years; I was so proud he carried on the legacy of my bright shining light... <3
