Wednesday, July 29, 2020

[Don't] Stand By Me (a parody by The Rock Bottom Remainders)

[Leave it to Melanie to send me the perfect meme for today's post.  Thanks and love, MH!]

From the New York Times article, A Viral Epidemic Splintering into Deadly Pieces by Donald McNeil:  "Overall, the scientists conveyed a pervasive sense of sadness and exhaustion. Where once there was defiance, and then a growing sense of dread, now there seems to be sorrow and frustration, a feeling that so many funerals never had to happen and that nothing is going well. The United States is a wounded giant, while much of Europe, which was hit first, is recovering and reopening — although not to us."

I can certainly relate, as do other friends I've spoken to recently.  Some are upping their mood-stabilizing medication, some are arguing with strangers on the Internet, some are numbing their emotions with alcohol and sleep.  Netflix and Hulu are a double-edged sword.  Retail therapy, whether Amazon Prime or Instacart groceries at the click of a few buttons, is entirely too easy. The first month or two was a challenge, but fun:  Stay upbeat, healthy, and moving... and we all mostly did.  Now it's just same-old same-old, with massive amounts of worry thrown in, as we mainline (or ignore) the news, watch the numbers climb, and try to avoid situations that bring us closer to a premature death.  The routine I had crafted for myself has gone by the proverbial wayside.  Having lost my structure, the days pendulum between interminable and warp speed.  I am reading like a motherf*ker.  Radical self-care and walking, not so much.  My sciatica is still a problem, and I don't seem to care, treating only the symptoms and not the cause.  I need to channel my inner Cher in Moonstruck:  "Snap out of it!".

The song/video below came along at the perfect time!  You would have to be living under a rock to not know who the Rock Bottom Remainders are.  If you didn't already, welcome to the sunshine!  I've been lucky enough to see them twice, both times at the Miami Book Fair.  They are known for self-admitted minimal talent, a love for rock and roll, and maximum hilarity.  You can always count on Wild Thing, G-L-O-R-I-A, and Amy Tan's dominatrix persona in These Boots are Made for Walkin'.   To quote the B-52s, Dance This Mess Around... :-)

NR (Now Reading, a new feature):  Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson (finished it last night.  5 stars!!!)

SONG:  [Don't] Stand By Me by The Rock Bottom Remainders (a parody) (thanks to MaryL for the heads-up!)

Mid-life Confidential: The Rock Bottom Remainders Tour America with Three Chords and an Attitude by Stephen King, Amy Tan, Roy Blount, Ridley Pearson, Dave Barry, Barbara Kingsolver, Al Kooper, Robert Fulghum, Kathi Goldmark, Dave Marsh  (I actually own this book.  Is it really selling for $920.99?!?)

Resume Redone (with apologies to Dorothy Parker) by Ellen Meister

TV bores you;
The web is a fright;
Your spouse ignores you;
And hobbies are trite.
Films are offensive;
Gardens weed;
Shopping's expensive;
You might as well read.

QUOTE:  "Scientists have found that one dog year does not equal seven human years.  In fact, the only thing that equals seven human years is 2020." ~ Magnolia Animal Clinic

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