Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Call Any Vegetable (Frank Zappa)

So much for Thoughtful Thursday and Mindful Monday.  Can we have a new category of Intentional Tuesday?  Oh, f*ck it.  Who cares?  I've been busy with all sorts of family, friends, and activities.  The world will not end if I don't post twice a week, on the days I said I would.  God, retirement is great.  My boundaries/expectations/deadlines have certainly become less rigid. “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."  Ha!

Long-story-semi-short:  I decided to become vegetarian in October 2014 and, since I was 90% vegan at that point, went 100% vegan in July 2017.  My friend Michele has been a huge inspiration over the years, as has my friend Patrick.  I have really embraced the lifestyle, and have hosted two vegan dinners (via my UU church's service auctions), as well as presented a UU Sunday service titled Give Peas a Chance, with a handout of cookbook, restaurant, and documentary resources...  :-)

I'd like to think that I don't proselytize about my dietary choices, but I do love sharing tips and secrets of my passion for healthy and compassionate food.  Vegan cooking can be fun and delicious, as well as nutritious.  My OverReaders Anonymous women provide mostly vegan items for our book-themed menu each month.  It means a lot.

My friend Suzanne told me about an event at our local JCC last week. Dr. Neal Barnard, a leading expert in the field of veganism, was speaking... for FREE!  I immediately signed up and met her there.  It was interesting in that he was promoting his new book (link below), for sale at his talk, which I bought and had signed.  I have followed him for years, and know how incredibly intelligent and handsome he is, but never realized how funny.  My erogenous zone is wired for mischievous, and I joked the rest of the week that he is my new "hall pass" (previous candidates include Harrison Ford and Kevin Kline).  Is that inappropriate?!?  Sorry, Dr. B.

Also very cool that he reached out to Lindsay Nixon (The Happy Herbivore) to contribute recipes.  Exciting to discover, as I know her through Facebook and Goodreads...  :-)

So, nowhere in the PR literature did it state vegan, nor even plant-based.  I imagine they were afraid no one would show up if they advertised as such, since those are "hot button" words, often thought of as intimidating and controversial.  The room was full, and I had fun looking around throughout, watching the audience's reaction once the subject was finally clear.  No one left, and there was a respectful discussion afterward.  Crisis averted!

All that to say, even though I try to eat super-healthy most of the time, it motivated me to kick up my level of fruits and vegetables, and reduce my amount of processed foods even more, and I already feel better.  Made this recipe Sunday night (found on Michele's former blog), and it was amazing!  Will definitely be incorporating it in our monthly rotation...  :-)

SONG:  Call Any Vegetable by Frank Zappa

Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health by Neal D Barnard MD FACC, Lindsay Nixon (Contributor)

Vegan Symphony #9 by Philip Nikolayev

Roaring roast cake with bean base spareribs for me,
carottes étouffées medium rare,
I like them a tad undercooked, still red
with sap, tea leaves in olive oil,
strawberry sushi flummoxed
to the point of deliquescence,
or better still, freshly picked
cucumber rolls to match
the lettuce steak, mesquite broiled
to a crunchy andante, with all
organic granola salsa, nuts
nutritious to the max, and then of course the
soypork casserole with legs
of boletus, and tofu chops on a platter
of tomato paste base salmon with
a sprinkling of beet juice droplets,
all served with a rich broccoli broth.

QUOTE:  “Hurt no living thing: Ladybird, nor butterfly, nor moth with dusty wing, nor cricket chirping cheerily, nor grasshopper so light of leap, nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat, nor harmless worms that creep.” ~ Cristina Rosetti

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