Tuesday, January 16, 2024

My Silver Lining (First Aid Kit)

Since 2008, it has been my custom each January 1 (a so-far-17-year tradition) to ascribe to Christine Kane's concept of choosing a Word of the Year to inspire/motivate/give me direction as to the tone/theme of my upcoming 52 weeks/365 days.  In retrospect, some of my previous words/phrases have been Release, Create, Let It Go, Health, Light, Follow-Through, Contentment, Forward, Stretch, and last year's Sage.

After much pondering (I had it narrowed down to three:  runners-up were Gratitude and Heart/Love), I decided on Now/Be Present for 2024.

If there is anything I have learned since Eric's fatal car accident on September 26, 2023... it is that *Everything* can turn upside-down in the blink of an eye.  Monumentally.  Irrevocably.  Unimaginably.  We think it's a cliche until it happens to us.  In fact, I'd venture to say we go through life thinking that it *won't* happen to us.  Strangers, yes.  Friends of friends, yes.  Sometimes even friends.  But we're still somehow One Degree of Separation from an actual tragedy.  Until it does.  No wouldas/couldas/shouldas.  No what-ifs.  No if-onlys.  Bam.  A family, a couple, a neighborhood, the world... is diminished by one.

For the past 90+ days, I have spiraled through anxious, needy, emotional, worrying, extrapolating, melancholy, self-destructive, desperate, scrambling, hyper-ventilating.  I was a big, fat, f*cking mess... and I had a good reason for being so.  My son is gone and, as many times as I write/say/scream it, that basic fact will not change.  I continue to replay in my head the phone call from his girlfriend (across state lines) that changed my life.  It was visceral.  My stomach flip-flopped.  The tears welled.  I haven't been suicidal, but I needed to figure out how to get out of the loop.

I now wake up every morning, and do my best to talk myself off the proverbial ledge.  I realize I hadn't been taking care of myself as well as I should; everyone else, yes... but not me.  Vowing (and following through) with taking my vitamins/supplements, eating more healthfully, moving my body, muting my phone and setting aside quiet time, maintaining boundaries.  The grief journey (there is no destination) continues, as does the healing.

What's done is done; I can't alter the past, nor can I control the future.  But Right Now, The Present, is within my grasp.  I will do everything in my power to honor E and make him proud of me... one thought, task, day at a time... ⏰

SONGMy Silver Lining by First Aid Kit (and there is a f*cking owl in the video... 😲)

She walked naked
Into the New Year.
No definite plan.
No vision boards.
No intentions set.
No journals created.
No classes or workshops scheduled.

Only trust in the Great Mystery,
in Goddess,
to provide and direct
her Soul toward its destiny.

Dreaming the visions between
past and future lives,
She listened to the voice
of her Soul
as it called her forward
into love and grace and magnificence.

As it called her deeper into her purpose,
step by step by step.

With only an open heart
and the thrill of the journey,
She walked freely and open
into the coming year.
~ Arlene Bailey
Her Sacred Wild, Re-Membering the Wild Soul Woman 

The Only Prayer by James Crews

Because there was nothing else to do,
and the news frightened me as usual,
I took a walk on my favorite trail
in the woods, and because the snow
began to melt as soon as it fell,
everything was wet—the lichen a bright
lime-green on the bark of each fallen tree,
the leaves beneath my feet deliciously
soft as they squelched and sank back
into the arms of the earth that shaped them. 
I picked up one of the limp, gold-
toned beech leaves, pressed it to my chest 
then left my despair on a mossy trunk,
like placing a lit candle on an altar
and saying the only prayer that matters:
I'm here, I’m here, I’m here.

With Astonishing Tenderness by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

When, in the middle of the night,
you wake with the certainty you’ve
done it all wrong, when you wake
and see clearly all the places you’ve failed,
in that moment, when dreams will not return,
this is the chance for your softest voice—
the one you reserve for those you love most—
to say to you quietly, oh sweetheart,
this is not yet the end of the story.
Sleep will not come, but somehow,
in that wide awake moment there is peace—
the kind of peace that does not need
everything to be right before it arrives.
The peace that comes from not fighting
what is real. The peace that rises
in the dark on its sure dark wings
to meet you exactly as you are.

QUOTE(S):  “There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.” ~ Jean-Paul Sartre 

"This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls." ~ John Muir

"We are so brief. A one-day dandelion. A seedpod skittering across the ice. We are a feather falling from the wing of a bird. I don’t know why it is given to us to be so mortal and to feel so much. It is a cruel trick, and glorious." ~ Louise Erdrich


  1. I love your choice for this year, and hope that by your example I can be more Present in the Now as well. You're so right, what else do we have but this very moment? I know without a doubt that E is, as always, very proud of you. As he/we all should be. Much love to you.

  2. Thanks, as always, for your dear words, Michele. I had a bad day yesterday, which is to be expected with so much forward momentum, right? But being In the Now helps, knowing that the bad is temporary. As Todd Snider sings:
    "Out in the rain, lost as I was
    I said "You think it'll ever stop"
    You said "It always does"

    Much love to you in return... <3

  3. Oh my😪I admire your strength and determination. Eric would be proud💜. Keep on keeping on💞Pat
