Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Be Here Now (Willy Porter) / Be Here Now (by Ray LaMontagne)

I don't know anything anymore, which seems to be a very liberating experience.  I mean, I've always been more heart-based than brain-centric, and feelings are front-and-center these days.  I'm just trying to pay attention and follow my intuition.  

However, sometimes there are blips.  I got home from the Miami Book Fair the other night, and Chico said:  "your son called, and wants you to call him back" and, swear to god, my first instinct was to ask:  "which one?"... 🤷

We are leaving in an hour or so for the Atlanta area, to spend Thanksgiving with my sister.  It sounded like a great idea at the time, and I have no doubt it will be an amazing weekend... but part of me really wants to just stay home, in my nightgown, and eat cereal.  Sadness permeates... 😭

Mari, don't freak out.  We're coming.  I love you... and am beyond grateful for the wagon-circling... 💗

P.S.  I won't be blogging Friday, as we'll still be away... but look for something this Sunday after we return.  Happy Thanksgiving to all... 💟

SONG(S):  Be Here Now (Willy Porter) / Be Here Now (by Ray LaMontagne)

POEM(S):  Holding the Light by Stuart Kestenbaum

for Kait Rhoads

Gather up whatever is
glittering in the gutter,
whatever has tumbled
in the waves or fallen
in flames out of the sky,

for it’s not only our
hearts that are broken,
but the heart
of the world as well.
Stitch it back together.

Make a place where
the day speaks to the night
and the earth speaks to the sky.
Whether we created God
or God created us

it all comes down to this:
In our imperfect world
we are meant to repair
and stitch together
what beauty there is, stitch it

with compassion and wire.
See how everything
we have made gathers
the light inside itself
and overflows? A blessing.

Right Here by Dane Anthony

Stop moving. Stand in
one place – this place.
Breathe slowly; in, then out. Repeat.

Repeat again. Let your
shoulders sink and relax. Unclench
your jaw; slowly close your eyes.

Listen for your heartbeat; really
listen. Feel it pulse in
your fingertips.

Lessen expectations. Under-do all your
efforts. Requisition the time
for your soul

to catch up. Lean
into the wind; feel it
like a tree and test the ground.

Learn to trust the resilience.
It would be treason to move
quickly ~ left or right ~

from this place. It is alright to be exactly
what you are, who you are, where you are.
Right here, right now. 

"Our true home is in the present moment.  To live in the present moment is a miracle.  The miracle is not to walk on water.  The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“The present moment is the intersection of eternity with time.” ~ Beatrice Bruteau


  1. No freaking out at all. We will all be in tune with everyone’s wants/needs/hearts desires. We are here with open arms and flexible in every way. PS. Friday is FOR SURE a full on pj day! Movies and/or mimosas and/or whatever the Moss fam is up to! Gotta go hit the kitchen before the pecan pies start burning (haha Dar!)

    1. Mari, thanks and love for a most lovely visit! Open arms, open hearts, open minds conjoined to get us through our first First. So many highlights, including (especially?) the home movies. And your pumpkin pies were on point (yum... :-p)

    2. Mari, Brain Fog strikes again! You know I meant pecan pies (sheesh).
