Friday, October 15, 2021

Joy (Carlos Santana and Chris Stapleton)

Full, satisfying, lovely week!  Zoom with Nancy and Judi... a fasting/bloodwork appointment with a follow-up doctor visit in a few weeks (on the surface, all looked good)... two library pick-ups... a sweet phone chat with my sister Mari... Zoom book club with my OverReaders Anonymous group (since September 2001 and counting!)... picked up Colin from preschool... a Dollar Tree shopping spree ($24 and so much great stuff!)... and this morning our regular Community Garden get-together (today we installed netting over some hooped beds, repotted plants into smaller containers to sell at our Pop-Up Market, and even saw some donkeys:  the collective noun is herd but, since there were only four, that doesn't really apply...  Two more garden events this weekend:

Mulching and Pollinator Garden on Saturday:  

Pop-Up Market on Sunday:

...and on the seventh day, she rested (ha ha ha ha ha!)

P.S.  I am also faithfully/obsessively back in my walking routine, for two reasons:  1) the weather is a bit cooler, and the humidity a tad lower... and 2) a dear friend has been converting a series of *mixtapes* I made in 1997/98 to Spotify playlists.  Talk about Memory Lane, literally as well as figuratively!  Thanks and love, MW... 💞 ♭♭♭ 😎

It is indeed Feel Good Friday (cutting it close again!) and, as is tradition, five items below of beauty, interest, and humor to brighten/enlighten your day/weekend/week.  Enjoy!

~ Scenes from the Life of Roz Chast:  In the past four decades, the cartoonist has created a universe of spidery lines and nervous spaces, turning anxious truth-telling into an authoritative art.

10 Ways To Connect To The Earth and Others:  How do you feeling complete and connected to the Earth and others? It takes effort, but it is worth it. We must bring our focus outside of ourselves to allow us to reach out to people and to the world around us in positive ways.

Do You Believe?:  Michael Dean as Cher wows audiences with his uncanny ability to impersonate the one and only Cher.  He is available for corporate
and charitable events, celebrations and other special occasions.

~ Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!While book blogs and book reviews abound on the internet, the three of us (Elizabeth, Moira, and Shannon), felt that we had a distinctive voice to bring to the book world.  

~ Feeling Anxious? Journaling Might Help:  Guided notebooks that borrow principles from cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness are aiming to put mental-health tools in the hands of the people.

~ Bonus item:  Matt Amodio’s ‘Jeopardy!’ Streak Ends After 38 Wins:  The computer science Ph.D. student had the second-longest winning streak in the history of the game show. [Susan's note:  I record Jeopardy every night, and watch it either later that evening or the next day (have been doing that for years).  Of course, I am impressed and in awe of Matt Amodio's mad skills/memory/brainpower, having won $1,518,601 over the course of his run since July 21.  However, it just wasn't fun anymore, as the Ph.D. student bulldozed over his competitors with his knowledge, his strategy, and his high-risk betting, making every game a runaway... except that last one, obviously.  It feels good to be back to "the good ol' days again", with an even playing field... until the next wunderkind comes along... 👀

SONGJoy by Carlos Santana, with Chris Stapleton

BOOK:  These Precious Days: Essays 
by Ann Patchett

POEM:  five acts of protest by Maya Stein

1. It is too late in the season for the tomato vines to bear fruit. Nevertheless,
a bloom has appeared the color of a kindergarten sun.
2. Potato chips, eaten in a moving car, napkinless.
3. A coupon will arrive in the mail and it will appear glossy with promise, or a celebrity
you admire will begin a new skin care routine that leaves them ebullient with youth
and you will want that same glow bestowed on your tired face. Instead, make applesauce.
Write a chirpy Post-it note to your neighbor. Scotch tape it on a Mason jar you’ve filled
to the brim. Deliver it, unannounced, to their doorstep.
4. Stillness. No, really. Stop moving for One. Whole. Minute.
5. Grief and its surrender. Joy and its surrender. Any act and its surrender.

QUOTE:  "Some days I am overwhelmed with sadness, a heavy heart, and a sense of loss; some days I awaken already infused with a sense of gratitude and joy. Every day, however, I wake up prepared to be curious and interested, to approach all interactions with myself and others with compassion, and to do what I can to challenge thoughts and beliefs that I don’t want to take into my future. I just know that next year will be a better year." ~ Catherine Nabbs

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