Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Battle Hymn for an Army of Lovers (Crys Matthews)

Demonstrators Hold Reproductive Rights Rallies in South Florida SaturdayThe protests come after a controversial new bill was filed in the Florida state legislature that would make it illegal for a doctor to perform an abortion if there’s a detectable heartbeat

This past Saturday (October 2), Nancy and I attended the March for Reproductive Freedom in Ft. Lauderdale (one of over 600 around the country!); I dumped out my Jar o' Buttons, collected over the last four decades, and affixed the Choice ones to my backpack (photo above), and I posted the following to their Facebook page:

Kudos to Jasmen and Emma, and everyone who volunteered, organized, and showed up! I am 67 years old, in the I Can't Believe I'm Still Protesting This Sh*t demographic. I have attended many local marches over the last four decades, as well as crossed state lines (Washington DC in April 2004!), and I was delightfully impressed yesterday, not only with the turn-out but also the number of *young* women, and many men. This *is* what democracy looks like... ✌

The speakers were motivational (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Nikki Fried, among many others), the signs creative (Pumpkin and Spice and Reproductive Rights!), and there were even female internal organs crafted from pool noodles (which I called The Sisterhood of the Traveling Uterus!).

The march, under blue South Florida skies, was powerful as well as joyful; I forgot how good it felt to stop traffic! And those chants: "hey, hey ho ho, Ron DeSantis has to go" and "What do we want? CHOICE! When do we want it? NOW!"

What a fabulous day of empowerment and inspiration. I *am* tired of fighting, but I will continue to until we have Justice and Peace. "Ain’t no power like the power of the people cuz the power of the people don’t stop (Say what!)" indeed... ❤

BOOKThe Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls by Mona Eltahawy

POEM:  Sticky by Kaitlin Shetler

give me the faith 
of a child
where i question everything
and take no shit 

give me the heart 
of a child 
where my passions 
keep me up talking 
way past my bedtime 

i want to be 
and electric
exhausting my detractors 
exploding expectations in favor
of my imagination 

i want to be 
brutally honest
and sticky 
unashamed of 
my hobbies
and my body 

let the little children
come with
and challenge 
and let me follow 

give me the faith 
of a child
where if it doesn’t 
make sense
i can just walk away 

and mud doesn’t scare
and perfection 
doesn’t chase me
and dreams don’t
defy me

give me the faith
of a child
and let me fight 
with just the power
of being 

“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” ~ Libba Bray

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