Friday, October 2, 2020

Slouching Towards Bethlehem (Joni Mitchell)

[thanks to Judi for this amazing graphic!]

We interrupt this previously-scheduled post (as if you didn't know already, unless you live under a rock!) to share that President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have tested positive for the coronavirus.  All I care to say at this point is that, tempting as it is, I am not wishing him death; I do, however, hope he feels a serious impact from the virus:  physically, emotionally, politically.  Can you say Karma?

Also, thanks to Sarah for this a few hours ago:
Replying to 
Looks like RBG successfully argued her first hearing with the lord
1:33 AM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter for Android

I watched the first of the Presidential debates Tuesday night, and I'm still, a few days later, more than a bit shaken.  

MSNBC had a wonderful hour prior during which, before a segment with Hillary Clinton (as the only person who had debated Trump previously, four years ago), Rachel Maddow talked about Hillary having a crystal ball four years ago, and showed clips from the various encounters.  Frightening.  Validating.

I love the trifecta of Maddow, Joy Reid, and Niccole Wallace, both pre- and post-political events.  They warned that Biden needed to stick to his message and *not take the bait* from Trump but, unfortunately, that is exactly what happened.  The debate was described by CNN anchor Jake Tapper as "a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck" and by CNN correspondent Dana Bash more succinctly as "a shitshow."  I was very disappointed, which segued to pissed, that Biden allowed himself to succumb to Trump's tactics, admittedly difficult amidst the constant interruptions, falsehoods, and attacks.  Biden could have done without his own comments of racist, liar, clown, worst president ever, and shut up (even though we know they're all true).  He lowered his standards, when he could/should have risen above (yes, even when his own sons' reputations were impugned).  The best thing he did, toward the end, is that he began to talk to the camera (the constituency) in a calm collected manner about what he will do to get our country back on track.

The evening left me traumatized and anxious and, after listening to more Rachel and company, I had the proverbial epiphany.  They compared him to an abuser and, having grown up in a household where my father later became exactly that (physically as well as emotionally with my mother and brother; emotionally to myself and my sister), I recognized the signs.  Yelling is a trigger for me; I don't hear words, only volume, and I shut down.  Because Trump is all about power and control (and money), I realized he was abusing Biden, Chris Wallace (the moderator), and the American people by subjecting us to his irrational tirade.

Also, Rachel won the Internet with logorrhea... 😲

To be continued...

P.S. Did you know that today is World Smile Day (celebrated the first Friday in October)? Why do we have a world smile day? The story begins with the creation of the smiley face by Harvey Ball in 1963. As the commercialization of the smiley face was running rampant, Harvey believed the true meaning of the smiley face was being lost. Therefore, he started World Smile Day to have one special day to remind us to smile and give acts of kindness. 

P.P.S  I am so saddened by something I read in my UUCFL (former church) newsletter.  He was a wonderful person as well as sound guy, and my altar is ablaze for his smooth transition:  Tripp Page, a long time member of UUCFL, has entered hospice care in his new home in Hilo, Hawa'ii. Tripp was a big part of the Labyrinth Cafe at UUCFL. He was a dear friend to many... 💔

NR:  The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland by Jim DeFede  (excellent, so far!)

SONGSlouching Towards Bethlehem by Joni Mitchell (based on the text of Second Coming, a poem by William Butler Yeats)

BOOKAn Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments by Ali Almossawi, Alejandro Giraldo (Illustrator)

POEM:  Momentum 2016 by Eileen Myles

for Hillary Clinton

How perfect the American sky out there
Innocent perhaps of our goings on
Let everyone turn around once one day
Let them pull the lever, write your name
Awesome the keenness of your focus, Hill
Regarding debating, regarding knowing
You inspire me to stay still, to act
You probably had breakfast this morning
Oregon was one of your stops
Understanding the northwest is part of your job
Remembering everyday a woman chooses to keep running
Every day you learn more
Meet more people
You daily become our president
May every inch of this journey
And every moment of your female campaign unabashedly
Nail it like the girl I met at breakfast at Marfa Burrito. Her name? Victory!

[My note:  More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.  The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.]

QUOTE:  “Watching that debate was like hot-boxing a port-a-potty with crystal meth. In Phoenix. In July. It was like being hit on the head with a lead pipe in a room filled with nitrous oxide. It was like watching a two-person performance of ‘12 Angry Men’ where one actor played one part and one was mad enough for the other 11.” ~ Seth Meyers

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