Friday, March 12, 2021

March Again (Jimmy Fallon and John Legend)

We interrupt this regularly-scheduled Feel Good Friday to talk about an important milestone, which was highlighted on TV last night:  Jimmy Kimmel Live’s One Year Lockdown Coronaversary SpectacularWe’re marking the one year anniversary of our worldwide nightmare with a special Coronaversary show and looking back on how much things have changed. Los Angeles is reportedly close to issuing guidelines for certain businesses to reopen, Hallmark has put out a new line of greeting cards to commemorate the year that was, stimulus checks will be in the pockets of Americans as early as this weekend, a group of former Presidents teamed up to make a PSA about getting vaccinated, President Biden addressed the nation in his first primetime speech since taking office, a message from the heroic men and women that have been delivering us food through the pandemic, we give out the first-ever Zoomy Award, and a special edition of “This Corona Year in Unnecessary Censorship.”

President Joe Biden did indeed give his first Presidential Address, marking 50 days in office.  He looked very tired (the Highest Office in the Land certainly has a way of aging people, doesn't it?), but I was heartened by his lovely message.  It just felt so good to finally be hearing the truth, and given hope, and offered some light.  Crazy to think it's been a year.  If all goes according to plan, by May 1, everyone in the country will be *eligible* to receive a vaccination.  Here's where Florida stands (as of today, March 12, 2021):

~ Florida residents (including seasonal residents) ages 65 and older — Florida will lower the age to 60+ on March 15
~ Residents and staff at long-term care facilities
~ Frontline healthcare workers who have direct patient contact
~ Sworn law enforcement officers 50 and older
~ Firefighters ages 50 and older
~ Pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade school employees 50 years of age or older.
~ Florida residents (including seasonal) with notes from their doctor specifying their need to vaccinate and who have preregistered.

Looking back to a year ago (I am reminded of people telling stories of where they remember themselves to be when President Kennedy was assassinated, or when the Challenger exploded), I was headed to St. Augustine FL with my friend Reba to see Dar Williams in concert.  There were enough rumblings about coronavirus such that we called the venue (Cafe Eleven) that morning to make sure the show was still on (because we were driving 4+ hours to attend).  It was, and we did (a very special evening) and, when we got back to our motel room, Reba got on her phone and started reading to me all the life-changing updates:  Broadway CLOSED, Major League Sports CLOSED, Disney Parks CLOSED.  WTF?

On the way back to South Florida the next day (Friday, March 13, 2020), the litany of news stories, closures, recommendations continued.  I dropped Reba off, and went straight home to Shelter in Place for a few weeks, not having a clue as to how far-reaching this virus was.  Here is a link to revisit my nine blog posts in the month of March.

So many things have changed since then, in the last year, the last 12 months, the last 365 days, most tragically more than 532,000,000 (yes, over a half-million) people dead from COVID.  Most people in the US (dare I say the smart ones) wear masks on a regular basis, maintain a physical distance of six feet, and realize that gathering with others is best done outdoors (and we're very lucky to have that option here in South Florida).

The panic of the first few weeks/months subsided and now there is no problem getting toilet paper and hand sanitizer.  Many of us have had both vaccinations, although we still take the precautions listed in the previous paragraph.  I still have all of our groceries delivered via Instacart (joined a year ago):  Costco, Sprouts, Aldi (boycotting Publix, which I will blog about next week).  Also, Whole Foods via Amazon has been a great delivery resource as well, with many vegan options.

Still reading, walking, cooking like crazy (I could probably find a better word!), trying to stay safe, sane, and well.  Still having family gatherings a few times a month (now that our kids are back to work, it's like herding cats to find a day/time that clicks for everyone).  Still passing around our Family Journal (Rob's idea from way back when).  Still enjoying livestreamed concerts (although it's nowhere near the same as live music), as well as livestreamed author events (Anne Lamott, Ross Gay, Patricia Lockwood, among others).  Still enjoying nature, as well as my heated condo pool (ahhh!).  Zoom (whether book club or "visits" with friends) has become a regular part of the rotation, as well as a few two-hour phone conversations a week.

At this point, we are waiting for the next round of $1,400 per person stimulus checks to arrive (hopefully this weekend); we are grateful to be in a fairly-stable financial situation, and we also know this money will save lives, jobs, and housing for others.  Our personal mantras these days are:  First World Problems, All That Is Not Ladder Falls Away, and there but for the grace of god.  And, to quote Hamilton, "that would be enough"... 💞

How are YOU?

SONGMarch Again (Beauty and The Beast parody) by Jimmy Fallon and John Legend

BOOK:  When the World Went Quiet by Tia Martina, Kelly Ulrich (Illustrator)

POEM:  In the Time of Pandemic by Kitty O'Meara

And they read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still.

And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. 

Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed.

And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

QUOTE:  “If we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.” ~ President Joe Biden

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