Thursday, November 5, 2020

Counting Stars (OneRepublic)

Today is Thursday, November 5, and we are on Day 3 of election results.  Current electoral vote count is Joe Biden 264, Donald Trump 214.  Still too early/close to call are Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania.  So many memes (huge thanks to Melanie, Nicole, and Rob), so little time! But let's go back 48 hours...
I went to bed at midnight Tuesday (when they were clear it would taken another few days to count the Michigan and Wisconsin votes)...
...and woke at 6:45 a.m.  To quote Dorothy Parker:  "What fresh hell is this?".  Polls were crazy unreliable, seemed there would be a Republican Senate, and Trump thinks he won this election.

I would have usually been on the balcony sipping coffee, but stayed inside in front of the TV, gulping my Morning Joe, the beverage as well as the MSNBC show... and Steve Kornacki was still rockin' the big board.  This was not the resounding rebuke I expected for the Worst. President. Ever!
Went out walking and couldn't go fast nor far enough to get out of my own head.  Added a new 15-minute loop to get me up to an hour, which I will keep in.  Passed a car in my condo complex that had a Rambo-like Trump flag, and it was all I could do to keep my suburban-housewife-self from clambering on the hood and ripping it off.  Then I eventually wound up home (because I had a library pick-up at 11), called on The Women (above) to get us to 270.  Tuned in to Rachel and Company a few more times; she used the word "grok" on Election Night, and my heart skipped a beat.
It is ridiculous that Trump is filing lawsuits already when the election results are not even final yet.  That is the action/reaction of a man who knows he has lost, grasping at straws.  Also, Twitter and Facebook flagged his recent posts as untrue.

I remain confident, and will not be swayed from my Pollyanna ways.  I understand the reality of the situation, but I refuse to live in fear; I choose to visualize peace and justice.  You can do this, Nevada... and Georgia... and maybe even Pennsylvania!
Went out walking again today and got thoroughly rained on, did a few hours of housecleaning, will start a new book (below), and look forward to a Zoom call at 4:30 with Nancy and Judi.  

Joe Biden gave a speech on November 4 to address the ongoing election counts. He said: “It’s clear that we’re winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.” 
Read the transcript of his remarks here.  I will continue to wait patiently, hope for the best, Keep the Faith, and remain an Eternal Optimist... 😍

Counting Stars by OneRepublic

BOOK:  Undaunted Optimist: Essays on Life, Laughter and Cheerful Perseverance by Chris Rodell

POEM:  The Last Thing by 
Ada Limón

First there was the blue wing
of a scraggly loud jay tucked
into the shrubs. Then the bluish-
black moth drunkenly tripping
from blade to blade. Then
the quiet that came roaring
in like the R. J. Corman over
Broadway near the RV shop.
These are the last three things
that happened. Not in the universe,
but here, in the basin of my mind,
where I’m always making a list
for you, recording the day’s minor
urchins: silvery dust mote, pistachio
shell, the dog eating a sugar
snap pea. It’s going to rain soon,
close clouds bloated above us,
the air like a net about to release
all the caught fishes, a storm
siren in the distance. I know
you don’t always understand,
but let me point to the first
wet drops landing on the stones,
the noise like fingers drumming
the skin. I can’t help it. I will
never get over making everything
such a big deal.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.  When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.  Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense." ~ Rumi

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